About SageFen Maker Fest

SageFen Maker Fest is an all-volunteer science-fiction/fantasy creation focused event. We’re dedicated to the sharing of creative knowledge among fans and fellow creatives.

We’re a home-grown event!

Sagefen Inc. and it’s namesake event, SageFen Maker Fest, is founded by Pacific Northwest fans with decades of experience as professionals, teachers, engineers, builders, and creators who love teaching, sharing, creating, and learning. 

SageFen Maker Fest is a home-grown, all-volunteer-run sci-fi/fantasy maker event. A celebration of the creativeness that is fandom, we’re dedicated to the sharing of knowledge among fans and fellow creatives. We welcome everyone who loves the creative process and wants to share that love with other fans. 

Debuting in the spring of 2022, SageFen celebrated the creativity of the sci-fi/fantasy community. Makers and Creatives of Fandom share their knowledge in workshops and demonstrations, growing and teaching the fandom for the next generation. We hosted vendors, artists, and makers from around the Pacific Northwest. As an event focused on learning, we are pleased to share our status as a Washington State non-profit and a federally recognized 501c3.

Sponsors & Supporting Organizations

SageFen Maker Fest Board of Directors


Elizabeth "Liz" Vann-Clark


Trixy Reed


Chrystal Brawdy


Board Members At Large

Warren Hughs

Member At Extra Large

Steve Carder

Member At Large

Theresa Vantine

Member At Large

Renee Allwardt

Member At Large

Not Really on the Board Bonus Persons

Tim Martin

"I broke it"

SageFen Maker Fest Staff

Our SageFen staff is in charge of organizing all the things we love and need for a successful event! Are you interested in a volunteer leadership position at SageFen Maker Fest? Email chair@sagefencon.org to discuss how you can help shape a new event that represents a creatives and makers!

Art Show Director: Renee Allwardt

Marketplace Director: Trixy Reed

Gaming Director: Brad “Tigger” Chrisman

Logistics: Trudy Hatch

Programming Director: Theresa Vantine

Masquerade Director: Joy Bragg-Staudt

Registration Directors: Steve & Deanna Carder

Media Director: TBD

Head of the Watch (and Volunteers): Jesse Vantine

Hotel Liaison: Trudy Hatch

Outreach Director: Warren Hugh

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