SageFenCon Rules and Policies
Code of Conduct
Adopted: September 6, 2020
SageFen Maker Fest welcomes all people, regardless of sex, gender identity/expression, national origin, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, race/ethnicity, age, religion, class, body type, or size. SageFen Maker Fest is committed to providing a welcoming, safe, positive, and harassment-free convention experience for all participants. SageFen Maker Fest does not tolerate discrimination or harassment in any form towards any SageFen Maker Fest participants.
The following Code of Conduct has been established to ensure a safe, inclusive, positive, and enjoyable experience for everyone at the convention.
These policies apply to EVERYONE who attends the convention regardless of role or responsibility; whether as a Guest, member, dealer, presenter, professional/author/artist, press, Watch, volunteer, demonstrator, or ConCom member/convention staff. These policies also apply to SageFen Maker Fest participants’ interactions with hotel staff and guests of the hotel.
The following policies are in effect at all pre-convention, at-convention, and post-convention activities. This means at our events, at our planning meetings, any SageFen Maker Fest sponsored meetups or fundraisers, anyone representing SageFen Maker Fest at other events, and in our online communities. Rules should be adhered to at all times during the convention and on the convention premises.
Your attendance at SageFen Maker Fest and any related events implies that you have read and agreed to the Code of Conduct and convention policies.
We expect all members to treat all people at the event with respect.
Please be aware of your tone of voice, body language, and behavior. In short, use good manners and be polite and courteous.
Be respectful of others. If someone asks you to leave them alone, do so. Seriously.
Keep your hands to yourself.
If you would like to take a picture with or of another SageFen Maker Fest fan, always ask first and respect that person’s right to say no.
People commonly wear costumes at conventions. Please be respectful by not touching them or their costume without a clear invitation. Silence does not equal consent.
Please keep public displays of affection rated PG-13. Hugs, hand-holding, and a small kiss are fine. Deep/passionate kissing, groping, and overtly sexual energy should be saved for your hotel room, not a public convention space.
Loitering in a manner that blocks pathways and entrances.
Engaging in disruptive and unsafe behavior that disturbs the public or staff (including real or play fighting).
Physical or verbal harassment of the public or staff.
Any act which could result in substantial risk or harm to people or property
Sexual misconduct, such as lewd conduct, indecent exposure, offensive touching, or sexual harassment.
Engaging in any activity prohibited by law.
Possession of any item defined as a weapon, illegal or not. (see Weapons Policy)
Consumption of alcohol, drugs, smoking, e-cigarettes, or intoxication that is not in compliance with local laws. If you are visibly impaired or acting inappropriately, we will ask you to remove yourself from public view.
Selling or soliciting items or services (outside of dealer space/without a permit).
Distribution of flyers or literature without prior authorization from SageFen Maker Fest.
Brandishing, waving around, or pointing props or prop weapons outside of the approved photography/videography zone(s).
Participants asked to stop any offensive behavior are expected to comply immediately.
We will not tolerate dangerous, illegal, or destructive behavior at the convention. Please report any incidents to Convention Operations immediately. Any members found to have participated in potentially dangerous, illegal, or destructive activity anywhere in or around the convention space will be asked to cease immediately and may be subject to consequences as defined in the Failure to Comply document.
Any SageFen Maker Fest Member caught in the act of shoplifting, stealing, pickpocketing etc will be handed over to local law enforcement, have their membership revoked, and refused entry into all future SageFen Maker Fest events. No exceptions.
The convention is a safe space for everyone on-site, including but not limited to convention members, volunteers, hotel staff, and members of the public passing through. Safe space means that our members are free to express themselves and their interests without fear of being targeted for their love or passion for the subject material. It is an inclusive space for all people. Safe space means that harassment will not be tolerated.
We believe in creating a space that is pro-consent. This means a space where people feel comfortable asking about others’ boundaries and being able to express their own. Consent is not only about potential sexual situations, but also includes minor things, like “Can I sit with you?”, “Would you like to chat?” or “Do you mind if I take your photo?”
Dress Code
Adopted: January 9, 2021
All SageFen Maker Fest attendees must purchase a SageFen Maker Fest badge and wear it at all times when attending SageFen Maker Fest events or using convention spaces.
Anyone wishing to buy a SageFen Maker Fest membership must present a valid, government-issued photo ID (or student ID, etc).
Your badge is your proof of SageFen Maker Fest membership and your permit into convention events and spaces. You must wear it visibly at all times around your neck/chest high while at SageFen Maker Fest.
Anyone seen without a badge inside any convention space will be asked to leave and retrieve their badge before returning.
If you lose your badge, you may be required to pay for a new membership. If you find someone’s badge or lose your own badge, please contact Registration or Convention Operations immediately.
Forging, duplicating, or sharing SageFen Maker Fest badges is prohibited. In order to ensure this, we require that all members give a verifiable real name in addition to any listed badge name when they register. Anyone found to be sharing a badge will be removed from the convention and the membership associated with that badge will be revoked without refund.
- Our attire coverage policy is gender-neutral.
- No nudity. This is a family-friendly convention. Clothing that exposes private body areas including nipples, groin, and buttocks is not allowed. This applies to everyone with no exceptions.
- Due to public health and safety requirements, all members and attendees are required to wear appropriate footwear while in the convention space. Footwear must cover the bottom of the feet. Unsafe or hazardous footwear may not be worn while in convention space.
- Any con attendee whose attire is not in compliance with this policy will, at SageFen Maker Fest’s discretion, be required to leave convention space, change their clothes or make necessary modifications prior to returning to the convention.
- The hotel staff may, at their discretion, choose to remove members for a failure to be properly attired, in accordance with hotel policy. SageFen Maker Fest will support the hotel’s decisions, in accordance with convention policies.
- Removal from the premises by the hotel will result in a revoked membership without a refund.
- If there is any disagreement with the decision of SageFen Maker Fest staff, or if the Member feels that they are being treated unfairly by SageFen Maker Fest staff, they may appeal to the SageFen Maker Fest Chair, but the Chair’s decision is final.
Please remember that costumes should not be made with any messy substances, as these can damage hotel property or injure other congoers. This includes anything wet, oily, or dusty such as wet paint, powder, or unfixed sparkle. The same goes for poorly set or sticky embellishments and sharp, pointy, or rough finishes that may become snagged.
If your costume includes makeup, hair dye, or spray-ons, please be considerate of the convention space and keep hotel rooms and bathrooms neat. Clean up after yourself.
Please follow hotel policies for items such as towels that may be permanently stained by makeup removal.
Be sensitive to others with your costume choices. Do not come to the convention with skin paint or makeup that can be perceived as mimicking an ethnicity that is not your own. In short, race (black/brown/red/yellow/etc. face) is not an acceptable costume.
When sitting in a workshop, demonstration, or performance room, please remove any large hats, headgear, or other items that might obstruct another’s view. (or sit in an unobtrusive spot)
Costumes featuring stilts must be approved at the Information/Service Desk.
At certain times, due to crowds and safety issues, people in oversized costumes may be asked to stand or sit elsewhere.
- Bags are not allowed in the Art Show. Bag drop-off points will be available at various entry locations. SageFen Maker Fest is not responsible for any lost or stolen items left at bag checks or in rooms.
- Pets (excluding service animals).
- Fire-related items are prohibited except within previously approved official events.
- No explosives or exploding items are allowed at SageFen Maker Fest. Costume items that contain or use an open flame or heating element are not allowed.
- Potentially dangerous props which are not part of a bona fide costume
- Props large, wide, or long enough to inhibit traffic in convention spaces
- Costumes, props, signage, or items of clothing containing vulgarity, obscenity, sexually themed, profanity, explicit or graphic language or imagery, slurs, insults, threats, solicitations, or room party advertisements
- We may limit any other offensive, disruptive, or unsafe costumes, props, signs, or clothing in our sole discretion.
- Any violation of this policy may result in a warning, temporary convention suspension, temporary or permanent membership revocation, up to and including legal action, at SageFen Maker Fest’s discretion. (See Consequences Section)
Props & Weapons
Adopted: March 19, 2022
- Prop firearms must have a highly visible orange tip.
- Props must always stay holstered, slung, or sheathed, except while posing for photos.
- Do not point, aim, swing, brandish, or wave around any prop weapon (or anything else).
- Do not hit anyone with your prop weapon (or anything else).
- Gun props or other prop projectile weapons should not be pointed at anyone at any time.
- Drawing a weapon in the convention space, including parking lots, may result in the immediate revocation of convention membership. Keep in mind, police will assume all drawn weapons are functional and will act accordingly.
- No weapons are to be brought to, worn, or carried at any time during the convention (including water pistols, real guns, swords, or knives) without prior approval of the ConCom.
- Bladed weapons and replica firearms may be found at SageFen Maker Fest either as parts of costumes (with prior ConCom approval), or as part of dealer displays or pre-arranged martial arts displays. Please follow the law and hotel rules in regard to weapons.
- Absolutely no functional props or weapons are allowed at SageFen Maker Fest.
- Simulated or costume weapons are allowed as a part of your costume, subject to prior approval by security and compliance with the following:
- All costume props and weapons must conform to state and federal law.
- Weapons, real or simulated, should remain secured and not be brandished about.
- Be aware that using a weapon is dangerous and should only be done in approved areas. Swinging a sword at a dealer’s table should never be done.
- No exposed weapons (all weapons must be sheathed and peace-bonded).
- If you are unsure whether your weapon is acceptable in the convention space, please ask SageFen Maker Fest personnel or ask at the Convention Office.
- Exotic weapons will be dealt with on a case-by-case basis.
- Do not bring weapons that SageFen Maker Fest staff cannot tell are fake from ten feet away.
Projectiles (Bows, Firearms,)
Only active on-duty police officers may carry firearms within the Convention Center. All other persons are strictly prohibited regardless of license or status.
Functional firearms or ammunition (no exception for concealed carry)
Any prop firearm that does not have a highly visible orange tip, or that for any other reason looks like it could be functional from 10 feet away, even if they are non-functioning
No functioning or previously functioning projectile weapons, or functional portion thereof, including, but not limited to, Air Soft, Nerf, or pellet guns will be allowed
No real guns (even disabled ones) or functioning projectile weapons
Replica and toy firearms are allowed for public display, but not weapons that can actually fire any potentially damaging projectiles (or which could ever have). This means that actual pistols, rifles, BB guns, crossbows, and any similar weaponry are not allowed, even if they have been altered so that they can not be fired. Convention staff cannot take responsibility for making an error in evaluating the weapon.
In the harsh reality of our times, our security staff and local law enforcement officials will treat anything that looks like a real gun as a real gun.
You CANNOT use a real firing firearm as a costume prop.
No Members will be permitted to carry any kind of functional projectile weapon. This includes individuals who possess a weapons permit or concealed weapons permit. Keep them at home.
Anyone found in possession of such a weapon will immediately have their membership revoked.
Individuals caught in the illegal possession of a functioning projectile weapon will be reported and turned over to the proper authorities.
Projectile costume props and weapons must be rendered inoperable.
Projectile items or replica firearms are allowed only if they are, or have been made, permanently non-functional. “Permanently” means it is not possible to repair or restore the item to functionality. In most cases this means the item must be filled with glue and all moving parts rendered immobile
Special exception for disabled projectile items: Projectile items that do not violate any other aspect of the banned items lists are allowed only if they are, or have been made, permanently non-functional. “Permanently” means it is not possible to repair or restore the item to functionality. In most cases, this means the item must be filled with glue and all moving parts rendered immobile. This decision is at SageFen Maker Fest’s sole discretion.
Permanently disabled cap guns and permanently disabled water guns are permissible.
Functional (real) arrows must have their tips removed and be bundled and zip-tied to a quiver.
Prop pistols need to remain in a holster; prop rifles need to be slung.
Bows: All props designed to represent a stringed weapon must be unstrung, regardless of the manner in which they were constructed. ‘Unstrung’ means that no length of cord, string, rope, or other flexible material may be connected from one limb of the prop to the other.
No weapon can be brought to the convention if it contains gunpowder or any other explosive in any quantity. This means that caps for cap guns, blanks for starter pistols, bullets, or anything else with the potential for explosion or fire will not be permitted outside of officially sanctioned events.
Functioning projectile weapons, devices, or toys, including items meant to be thrown
Firearms or projectile items that look like real or functioning weapons from 10 feet away
Bladed Weapons:
- All weapon props made out of metal and designed to represent a blade (including, but not limited to, swords, daggers, kunai, and scythes), with an edge a quarter of an inch in width or narrower and/or a sharply pointed tip) must remain sheathed.
- Additionally, it must be possible for peace-bonding staff to securely zip-tie the prop into its sheath so that it may not be drawn. Ribbons, cloth, or tape wrapped around the blade do not qualify as sheaths.
- Costume swords must be tied to your costume in such a way that they can’t be drawn.
- Swords and props which contain live steel (sharp enough to cut)
- Bladed/pointed weapons (whether real or replica) must be kept sheathed, covered, or protected in some way.
- Please use common sense. Any swords, knives, or other weapons purchased in the Dealer Room must be wrapped before leaving the room and taken immediately to your hotel room, car, or another safe place.
- Any item or prop that could be used as a weapon, or could be dangerous, or appears to be dangerous (even if it’s not), must be peace-bonded. Peace-bonding is an agreement to carry your prop safely and requires signing an acknowledgment of the requirements of safe carry. A staff member will attach a peace-tie to your item which signals to all staff that your item has been reviewed.
- SageFen Maker Fest will peace bond your prop weapon by banding it with a zip tie. This zip tie will not prevent you from violating our weapon policy, but it indicates to SageFen Maker Fest Staff that the Watch has gone over the weapon policy with you.
- We reserve the right to inspect and reject any prop and/or device at any time.
- The Watch Team will escort you to the Information Desk for inspection if your prop weapon is not tagged.
- After your costume prop weapon has been checked and tagged by the Watch, you will be given a wristband to wear to designate that your props have been checked.
- If you buy a prop in the Marketplace or Art Show, remember to get it peace-bonded, if needed. Also, dealers may sell some things that you can’t carry around the convention at all, like live steel swords. If you buy one of these (see prohibited items), you need to immediately take it off-site or to your hotel room.
- SageFen Maker Fest committee and staff have the final say on what items require peace-bonding or removal to safe storage.
- If you do not want to have your costume props inspected or tagged, or if you are not willing to comply with these policies, please do not bring your costume weapons or props to SageFen Maker Fest.
SageFenCon Harassment/Discrimination Definitions
Adopted: September 6, 2020
Harassment is behavior that focuses unwelcome attention on a person, encroaches on someone’s safe space or attendance and inclusion, intentionally and persistently annoys, bothers, alarms, creates an unpleasant or hostile situation, or threatens another person or group of people.
Harassment either inappropriately crosses reasonable expectations of social boundaries or continues after a clear showing of disinterest or a request to desist. It can include behavior, words, actions, or subject discrimination.
SageFen Maker Fest aims to be a safe place for anyone regardless of identifying markers such as, but not limited to:
Please report to Convention Operations any incidents of harassment including but not limited to:
Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, repeated requests for dates or sex that are turned down, other unwanted flirting
Unwanted, uninvited, or unwelcome sexual attention and contact
Showing sexual images or conducting discussion about sexual topics in public spaces when the images or discussions do not allow attendees the opportunity to leave beforehand or are not presented in a respectful manner.
Bullying or intimidation of others
Gestures or posturing that alarm someone
Deliberate stalking or following
Unwanted, uninvited, or inappropriate physical proximity or contact
Creating an intimidating, unpleasant, unwelcoming, hostile, or offensive environment by severe or pervasive misconduct, especially by annoying or bothering someone in a persistent or repeated way.
Unwelcome or non-consensual photography or recording
Iconography, costuming, or symbols with intent to discriminate, hate or pressure others
Sexual, political, or behavioral images and actions merely for attention and not event-related
Inappropriate, unwelcome verbal or written comments or gestures that are sexually suggestive, insulting, intimidating, demeaning, disrespectful, discriminatory, hateful, threatening, or offensive
Intentionally and repeatedly misgendering someone
Body shaming or censure of an individual
Unwanted “jokes”, banter, or repartee
Deliberately interfering with someone’s ability to move or access convention space
Preventing any attendee from entering convention spaces or participating in con events (except in accordance with con policies)
Bathroom policing
Sustained disruptions of panels or events that stop participation(Heckling/jeering)
Before you touch (for example: hug, glomp, touch a cosplayer’s costume), ask permission. “May I give you a hug?” “May I touch that fabric?”
Also clarify if this is a one-time permission or if it extends longer (that day, that weekend, etc.).
Ask before you take anyone’s picture.
Accept “no” as a reasonable answer without follow-up questions.
Their reasons are not your business unless they choose to share them with you.
If you find someone’s outfit interesting, it is acceptable to tell them so, but do not expect further interaction after giving your compliment.
Appropriate compliments include “Nice craftsmanship”, “You captured the character really well”, and “Thank you for representing my favorite character”
Inappropriate comments can include (depending on context) “You look sexy”, “Here’s my number”, “My cosplay is better than yours”. If you are unsure, ask a friend to help you phrase your compliment.
We recommend you avoid comparisons. (For example: “Your outfit is much better constructed compared to his”.) Let each person’s work stand for itself.
Absolutely inappropriate behavior includes groping, looking up skirts/kilts, positioning yourself to look down shirts/up dresses, coercing someone to do or say anything, and hate speech (using words that purposely offend or insult).
Cosplay is not Consent: people in costumes are not asking for unwanted attention. They are people, not the character they portray. Please treat them with the same respect you’d give any other attendee.
If someone asks you to leave them alone or tells you “no” or “stop”, immediately acknowledge the request, walk away, and do not approach them again. This will stop most incidents from escalating and allow everyone to enjoy the convention. Always remember your “good fun” might be another person’s harassment.
Be respectful of and courteous towards others. Attendees are expected to understand that one needs to ask before touching and that “no” means “no”. If someone says “no” or “go away”, an attendee’s business with that person is done.
If another person no longer wishes to speak to or interact with you, you must immediately cease your conversation and interaction with them, and you may not follow them to another area.
- Code of Conduct violations are an unfortunate reality at all conventions. Many incidents are not pointed out, reported, or confronted which results in continued and expanding behavior. Noticed or witnessed situations can be dealt with promptly.
- Even if it’s possible that “they didn’t mean it” or “it was a joke/accident,” if something occurs that you are not comfortable with, it may be worth trusting your instinct.
- If at any time during the convention you experience or witness an incident of harassment, intimidation, discrimination, or prejudice, we encourage you to address and/or report it immediately. If you see anyone disregarding the procedures or safe guidelines of our event or facilities, please report as well.
- If you feel safe & comfortable attempting to resolve the situation yourself, try asking the offender to stop, telling them their behavior is inappropriate, saying “no” or “please leave me alone,” or walking away. This can proactively solve issues and help educate the community on the topic.
- We would appreciate it if Operations was still informed to help us identify any repeat offenders.
- If you feel threatened, unsafe, or uncomfortable addressing them, or if your attempts to resolve the situation yourself are unsuccessful, please report the incident.
Reporting Violations & Consequences
Adopted: January 9, 2021
If it is an emergency, please call 911 immediately.
If it is an emergency, please call 911 immediately.
- A person who assaults or harasses another person is guilty of a crime under Washington State law. (
- Action by the convention in no way precludes the injured individual or the venue from pursuing whatever remedies, civil or criminal, they see fit.
- Publicly posted intent to violate these policies and procedures, demean or harass individuals during the event, or any stated action that could cause duress for our venues, events, or attendees will be addressed as if they occurred at the event.
- Come to our Information/Service Desk. SageFen Maker Fest will have a representative there during the convention to take your information, statement, or concern.
- If you can’t get to the information desk, or need immediate assistance, you can approach any SageFen Maker Fest staff member, which includes volunteers and the security team (The Watch), or the SageFen Maker Fest Chair.
- At the convention, Concom members can be identified by badges or buttons, while Watch members wear identifying ________.
- Convention staff are required to report all incidents brought to their attention.
- If you can’t find assistance, email watch@SageFen Maker or safecon@SageFen Maker If you wish to report anonymously, please use SageFen Maker Fest’s online reporting form at www.SageFen Maker or to file harassment reports at any time, including after the convention has ended.
- If you have an issue regarding a member of the committee, you can contact the Chair of the convention directly. If your issue is with the Chair, or you would like to have it dealt with outside of the committee, you can contact (secretary@SageFen Maker
- SageFen Maker Fest encourages participants to consider reporting any rape, assault, or other unlawful activity to law enforcement. We ask that all attendees strive to foster an environment where speaking out is wholly supported.
Should you choose to report misconduct to SageFen Maker Fest staff, you can expect a member of our ConCom to be called in as an unbiased third party to take the necessary actions to ensure that the situation is handled with the utmost care and concern to make sure they feel safe for the rest of SageFen Maker Fest.
When you approach us with an issue, we will find a location and person suitable for further discussion. If you would feel more comfortable talking to someone from a particular gender or background, we will do our best to arrange this for you. You are welcome to bring a support person at any point in the process.
Our staff member will go over the incident with you. They will not judge you and will help you with your options in relation to the situation.
If you wish to make a formal report, the SageFen Maker Fest staff member will take down details of what happened. They may ask you questions, for example, the time and place of the incident, and who else was around. Please provide them with as much information about the incident as possible, including badge name (if available) and description.
Whether you wish to make a specific report or not, we will discuss what you would like to happen next. What form this takes will depend on the nature of the incident.
We will take your wishes into account when considering the consequences. For incidents that were reported by multiple people or publicly witnessed, we may take actions not discussed with you. We will attempt to keep you informed of any decisions made.
The convention leadership will work to impartially evaluate all available information and apply consequences in as fair, appropriate, and efficient way as possible to ensure a safe and harassment-free environment for everyone.
We take all reports seriously, and handle them confidentially and with discretion.
Actions will only take place after consultation with the complainant. Any details we make in a formal report will only be discussed between the SageFen Maker Fest committees. Names and specific details will only be shared on a need-to-know basis.
The SageFen Maker Fest Board will maintain a record of misconduct reports.
SageFen Maker Fest and the convention leadership reserve the right to investigate the circumstances of all accusations and apply the list of consequences to individuals who we determine to be in violation of our Code of Conduct.
SageFen Maker Fest and the Convention leadership are the sole interpreters and arbiters of the Code of Conduct, policies, and rules for this convention. The decision of the event Chair is final.
Allowable activity at the convention is at SageFen Maker Fest’s sole discretion. If an authorized staff member asks you to stop doing something, remove an item, or leave an area, then it has the weight of SageFen Maker Fest’s Code of Conduct, even if it’s not printed in the Code of Conduct.
Retaliating against a reporting party will not be tolerated.
The SageFen Maker Fest Convention Committee recognizes that some Code of Conduct violation accusations may be false either due to misunderstandings or malice.
In cases of misunderstanding, we will strive to arbitrate an equitable resolution for all parties involved.
Anyone we determine to have maliciously brought a false Code of Conduct violation accusation will be subject to one or more of the consequences listed below.
Attendees whose actions violate SageFen Maker Fest Code of Conduct will be asked to stop such actions and are expected to comply immediately.
If a convention attendee engages in behavior deemed inappropriate, SageFen Maker Fest may take any action they deem appropriate. Failure to adhere to the SageFen Maker Fest Code of Conduct may result in one or more of the following:
Mediation with all parties involved by a designated SageFen Maker Fest representative
Verbal warning(s)
Temporary convention suspension for the remainder of the day (mini-break, no refunds)
Expulsion from SageFen Maker Fest for the remainder of the weekend and revocation of membership privileges with no refund
Permanent membership revocation (banning the violator from future SageFen Maker Fest events)
Reporting the violator to hotel staff/security. Hotel staff do not have general responsibility for any aspect of the convention but can choose to respond to any disruptive action. If the Hotel staff decides to remove an individual from the property, SageFen Maker Fest will immediately revoke that individual’s membership.
Reporting the violator to local law enforcement if necessary/warranted.
Any other actions deemed appropriate by the Chairperson
SageFen Maker Fest Chair: chair@SageFen Maker
Anti-Abuse Team: safecon@SageFen Maker
Watch Team: watch@SageFen Maker
Emergencies: 911
Pasco Police Department (non-emergency): (509) 628-0333
The Support, Advocacy & Resource Center (SARC): (509) 374-5391
Sexual Assault And Family Trauma (SafeT) Response Center: (509) 624-7273
Benton Franklin Crisis Response Unit: (509) 783-0500
RAD Cab: (509) 585-2944
Other Policies
Adopted: June 26, 2021
- By entering the SageFenCon (SFC) convention space, members consent to video and/or audio recording by both SFC staff and other event attendees. Please be aware that by attending SFC you may end up in photos people take of the space, or in the backgrounds of other people’s photos.
- The SFC Committee reserves the right to disallow filming or sound recording for any reason. Some convention spaces or events will prohibit or restrict recordings; signs will be posted indicating such restrictions.
- Visual recording, which includes both photography and videography, is generally permitted. However:
- Please be considerate and ask for consent before taking pictures of guests, other Members, or the general public. Do not take recordings of people who have not given consent.
- It is also prohibited to take a photo if a reasonable person would know the subject(s) would probably not want to be photographed under the circumstances.
- People have a reasonable expectation of privacy and the right to control visual and audio recording in their hotel rooms.
- Code of Conduct consequences will be applied to cases of non-consensual photography or video recording of people.
- People using visual recording equipment must not obstruct other people’s views or thoroughfares.
- Be polite with your camera and how you conduct your visual recording.
- For the purpose of visual recording, SFC event spaces are not public.
- Be aware that a flash or other light source may interfere with event activities.
- Keep hallways and high traffic areas clear. When taking shots in the halls, please be sure to keep an eye out for traffic. If you’re in a particularly busy area, or if people are waiting to get through without interrupting your photo, please either pause to let people pass or consider finding another space for your shot.
- Recording of minors requires the consent of their legal guardians.
Please share your photos! SageFenCon loves to see the pics you take at the event. You can share your photos on our social media channels or by emailing!
- Recording of performances and programming at the convention is allowed only for the private use of the person making the recording. If you wish to record a panel or event please get permission from all participants before the event. If a panelist or performer requests that there be no recording, please respect their wishes.
- If you wish to take photos during panels or presentations, please:
- Do so in a manner which is not distracting from, nor disruptive to, the panelists or audience.
- When panels are running, take photos from the back or side of the audience.
- Do not move beyond the front of the audience, behind the panelists, or obstruct views unless requested by the panelist or presenter.
- If you would like to take photographs during workshops, speak to the individual workshop organizers and/or participants and abide by their requests.
- Throughout SageFenCon there will be a select number of panels filmed or recorded by the Committee for distribution through social media. There will be a sign clearly posted on the panel room entrance and announced at the beginning of the panel.
- Do not touch or photograph any artwork.
- Cameras and camcorders are not allowed in the Art Show. Photography of art, model, toy and collectibles displays may be allowed with the permission of the Art Show Coordinator and the artist. Contact the Art Show Coordinator for more details.
Photography is restricted to specific events. Please see event descriptions to see which events allow photography.
- SageFenCon is a family friendly convention. All children at the convention are the responsibility of the adults that they are attending with, and are expected to remain in the presence of at least one of those adults at all times. SageFenCon cannot be held responsible for any unaccompanied minors.
- All content displayed in convention publications and at the convention will be family friendly unless otherwise marked.
- Breastfeeding is acceptable in any area of the con, as it is in all public spaces, and any objections to this will be treated as per our harassment policy. A quiet space for breastfeeding can be provided for parents, upon request.
- Children between the ages of 12 and 15 years may be unaccompanied during the event; however, a responsible adult with a paid membership must be at the event and their contact information must be provided in case of emergencies.
- We hold our minor attendees to the same standards of conduct as our adult members, and disruptive behavior will not be tolerated.
- Advice: If your child cannot sit quietly through a discussion panel or other event, please take them out in the hallway so that they won’t disturb other members.
- Any members aged under 18 attending without an adult present will be asked to provide us with the details of an emergency contact.
- While children ages 12 and under are welcome at the convention, parents should be aware that SageFenCon does not provide any programming or services specific for children age 12 or under. SageFenCon does offer programming that is appropriate for a wide range of ages.
- Badges for minors under age 16 must be picked up by a parent or designated guardian. A designated guardian must have written permission from the minor’s parent or legal guardian. All designated guardians must be age 18 or over and a registered Member of the convention.
- Children ages 5 and under are admitted to the convention without charge and will be issued a badge that must be kept with the child (or a nearby diaper bag, for example) rather than with one of the parents/guardians. The child must be under the supervision of an adult at all times. If a young child is found unattended, they will be waiting at the Information Desk while the SageFenCon staff and the Watch seek out the responsible adult.
- Attendees under age 18 must present a signed parent permission and liability release form at time of entry.
- ADA working animals are allowed in the convention space. Non-ADA animals are not permitted.
- Please do not approach or disturb service animals.
- The Hotel/convention space will not allow animals into the building except for service animals. If your service animal is not wearing any kind of ID identifying them as a service animal, you may be stopped by hotel security or The Watch. For your convenience, please stop by the SageFenCon Information Desk for a Service Animal “Badge” for your SageFenCon badge.
- When not in function space please follow all rules set by the hotel and local laws. This includes leash laws and cleaning up after your animal. Animals that cause mess or disturbances will be asked to be removed.
- No food or drink is allowed in any convention space.
- No outside food or alcohol is allowed in meeting or public spaces per hotel policy.
- The hotel has several dining options including a restaurant, the bar, and room service.
- Alcohol or alcoholic beverages are not allowed inside the convention space.
- Alcohol in private rooms must stay in private rooms. SageFenCon will support the hotel’s policy regarding alcohol in hotel spaces.
- The legal drinking age is 21 years old. Any minors found in possession of alcohol or any adults found to be providing alcohol to minors will have their memberships revoked and be removed from the convention. No exceptions. Please drink responsibly.
- If you have had too much, please get a room at the hotel, call a cab, or ask a sober friend for a ride.
- SageFenCon recognizes that the use of alcoholic beverages by those of legal age is a matter of personal choice. SageFenCon requires that those who choose to drink during the SageFenCon weekend and at other SageFenCon sponsored events abide by state law and the SageFenCon Code of Conduct. We expect such individuals will conduct themselves responsibly and respectfully in regard to others and to their environment, including the physical property of the host location.
- The convention site is a non-smoking venue and members must abide by the terms and conditions set out by the venue, and any other legally governed restrictions. Members in breach may be ejected by the operator or the Committee at their discretion. Vaping or e-cigarettes are considered smoking for purposes of this policy.
- Smoking of all kinds is prohibited in all areas of the hotel, including function rooms, sleeping rooms, hallways, and balconies. There are clearly designated smoking areas for your convenience. Smoking or vaping is allowed in designated areas only. Please obey the hotel’s posted smoking policies in other areas in and around the hotel.
- Members are responsible for any damage that they cause to any property of either the venue or of SageFenCon. Please ensure you treat the venue with the proper care and respect, and don’t touch anything that doesn’t belong to you.
- All technological equipment necessary for panels is the property of either SageFenCon or our presenters. Please ensure you get permission from our Tech Liaison before altering anything.
- While both the convention and the venue will exercise all due care and responsibility to ensure the safety of participants and their property, no liability will be accepted for loss or damage of items or personal effects brought onto the convention site.
- As the convention site is shared with non-SageFenCon attendees, please be respectful of other guests staying at the venue and act responsibly as you will be liable for costs if you cause damage or make a mess.
- Please do not abuse the convention facilities. This includes putting unapproved signs on walls or trash anywhere other than a garbage can, smoking in non-designated smoking areas, amongst a variety of other things. This is our home and we all should respect the space.
- Please obey local, state, and federal laws as well as hotel policies. Be kind to the venue. SageFenCon wants to return for years to come.
- The pool, hot tub, sauna, and workout rooms are only available to guests of the hotel during posted hours of operation.
- Please be considerate to all hotel guests. There may be other events going on at the hotel. Please treat non-convention guests with courtesy and deference. Do not disrupt other events that may be going on at the hotel. Please observe all rules posted by the hotel.
- No sleeping in the lobby, hallways, or stairwells is permitted.
Signs & Handouts
- Signs may be attached to vinyl walls with blue painters tape only.
- Obtain permission from the SageFenCon Information Desk prior to posting signs or handing out flyers/pamphlets at the convention
Lost & Found
- SageFenCon is not responsible for lost, stolen or damaged property, or for injuries sustained during the course of SageFenCon.
- Report or turn in lost items to the hotel front desk. Please direct questions to hotel lobby staff.
- No retail sales are allowed anywhere in SageFenCon unless you purchased or were allocated vendor space. This includes common areas such as lobbies and program rooms. In addition, there is no solicitation of tips, fees, or donations for any reason, unless you have a booth, table, or official space allocated by SageFenCon.
- MEDICAL EMERGENCIES: In the event of a medical emergency, please go directly to the hotel staff, not the convention staff – either the front desk or the nearest hotel staff member. The hotel has asked that all attendees work through them directly in these situations.
- SageFenCon and its affiliates are not responsible for any loss, damage, theft, or injury. Members are responsible for their individual actions and any repercussions that may result. Civil or medical emergencies are to be handled directly by the proper authorities.
- All merchandise must be paid for.
- Please wait in an orderly line and do not crowd the vendor’s tables.
- Any weapons that are purchased from SageFenCon vendors must be peace bonded, as per the Weapons Policy.
- SageFenCon does not recognize or endorse room parties. SageFenCon does not allow advertising of room parties in any official capacity. This includes flyers or email correspondence via any official SageFenCon channels.
- SageFenCon will work with the hotel to keep records of actions taken by hotel security and will revoke convention memberships from individuals removed from a convention hotel site by hotel security.
Convention Guests & Events
- Announced events and guests are subject to change and/or cancel without notice. Every effort will be made to announce any changes on the SageFenCon website and social media channels, but sometimes last-minute changes occur.
- Our Guests of Honor and other invited Guests commit to attending SageFenCon long in advance of the actual event. Along the way circumstances beyond everyone’s control may happen, resulting in the Guest not being able to attend the convention as planned. SageFenCon can make no guarantee that a particular guest will be able to attend the convention, and can not be liable for the results of a Guest’s cancellation.